
Alexander Mackendrick, United Kingdom, 1952


The second clip takes place in a park, a more open, public space where Mandy is going for a walk with her parents. They stop and take a seat on a park bench and talk about her forthcoming stay at a school for deaf-mute children. Lost in conversation they forget that Mandy is there with them, while she sees a group of children playing with a ball in the distance. Mandy decides to head towards the children this time, getting away from her parents, who don’t notice that she’s gone. Her encounter with the children is going to turn into a drama. As she’s let their ball get away from her, the children, unaware that she can’t talk to them because of her disabilities, make fun of her and refuse to give her the ball, punishing her for her silence. In a rage, she throws herself at a boy and pins him to the ground. The screams from their struggle bring the boy’s mother, who insults Mandy’s parents, calling her mad. In this scene it’s Mandy who wants to integrate herself with the children, but they reject her as the can’t understand her.